Kimberley O’Sullivan, Lucy Telfar Barnard, Helen Viggers, Philippa Howden-Chapman
20 April, 2016
This paper outlines the literature describing the effects of fuel poverty and cold housing on children and young people and presents new statistical analysis supporting the targeting of fuel poverty policy on households with children.
Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)
12 April, 2016
latest research.
Simpson J, Duncanson M, Oben G, Wicken A, Pierson M.
11 November, 2015
Data on a set of indicators that assess aspects of child poverty in New Zealand and their implications for child wellbeing.
Perry, B.
5 May, 2015
This MSD report documents the more detailed research and analysis that sits behind the tables, graphs and other information provided by MSD for officials’ advice to Ministers and for the policy development process.
Telfar Barnard, L., Baker, M., Pierse, N., & Zhang, J.
4 April, 2015
This report covers six respiratory disease indicators: asthma, bronchiectasis, childhood bronchiolitis and pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and total respiratory disease.
Dale, M. C., O’Brien, M., & St John, S
9 September, 2014
In the advanced economy of Aotearoa New Zealand in 2014, child poverty is now more entrenched and difficult to address than when Child Poverty Action Group published Left further behind in 2011.
Turner, N., & Asher, I.
5 May, 2014
The future health and wellbeing of any country is dependent on the well-being of its children. A much greater proportion of New Zealand children are affected by poverty now than 2-3 decades ago, with accompanying ill health.
Children’s Commissioner.
12 December, 2012
We like to believe that New Zealand is a great place for children. For the majority of our children this is true. But it is not true for children living in poverty. As many as 25 percent of children – about 270,000 – currently live in poverty.
Asher, I., & Byrnes, C.
12 December, 2006
It is disturbing that many children in New Zealand suffer from breathing difficulty and respiratory diseases, and that our rates for some conditions are higher than comparable countries.