Ways to donate to the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ:
1) Electronic transfer
- Make a donation via electronic transfer, stating your name, donor ID (if known), and phone number as the reference.
- Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ’s bank account:
- 03 0518 0186452 00
2) Credit card online
3) Bank deposit
- At your local bank, fill out a bank deposit slip and make the payment to:
- Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ
- 03 0518 0186452 00
Download the Asthma And Respiratory Foundation NZ Donations Policy
4) Become a regular giver
Become an Asthma and Respiratory Foundation Regular Giver and be the breath of hope for the 1 in 8 of us living with a respiratory condition when you join the 'Air Force Family'.
A monthly donation will help us to provide much needed resources and education to more schools and communities around New Zealand so the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation can help Kiwis breathe better for years to come.
- Please contact Christina Goss at christina@asthmaandrespiratory.org.nz to receive information about becoming part of the 'Air Force Family'.