Sex and Survival After Surgery for Lung Cancer - A Swedish Nationwide Cohort:

Erik Sachs, MD; Ulrik Sartipy, MD, PhD; and Veronica Jackson, MD, PhD

16 November, 2020

NZ Respiratory Research Review Issue 193

Association Between Anticoagulation and Survival in Interstitial Lung Disease:

Christopher S. King, MD Elizabeth Freiheit, PhD A. Whitney Brown, MD Oksana A. Shlobin, MD Shambhu Aryal, MD Kareem Ahmad, MD Vikramjit Khangoora, MD Kevin R. Flaherty, MD Drew Venuto, BS Steven D. Nathan, MD

16 October, 2020

NZ Respiratory Research Review Issue 189

Risk of cancer incidence in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A nationwide cohort study:

Hong Yeul Lee,Jinwoo Lee,Chang-Hoon Lee,Kyungdo Han,Sun Mi Choi

22 July, 2020

NZ Respiratory Research Review Issue 189

Chronic Effects of High Fine Particulate Matter Exposure on Lung Cancer in China:

Jianxin Li, Xiangfeng Lu, Fangchao Liu, Fengchao Liang, Keyong Huang, Xueli Yang, Qingyang Xiao, Jichun Chen, Xiaoqing Liu, Jie Cao, Shufeng Chen, Chong Shen, Ling Yu, Fanghong Lu, Xianping Wu, Liancheng Zhao, Xigui Wu, Ying Li, Dongsheng Hu, Jianfeng Huang, Meng Zhu, Yang Liu, Hongbing Shen and Dongfeng Gu

2 July, 2020

NZ Respiratory Research Review Issue 193

Predictive values of lung cancer alarm symptoms in the general population: a nationwide cohort study:

Peter F. Haastrup, Dorte E. Jarbøl , Kirubakaran Balasubramaniam, Lisa M. S. Sætre, Jens Søndergaard and Sanne Rasmussen

7 April, 2020

NZ Respiratory Research Review Issue 181

New cancer registrations 2013:

Ministry of Health.

2 December, 2015

These tables provide high-level data on cancer registrations in 2013, ahead of the annual Cancer: New registrations and deaths 2013 publication. They include information about the most common cancers registered and breakdowns by common demographic variables.

Lung cancer incidence in Māori: increased susceptibility mediated through COPD:

Young, R.

6 November, 2015

We suggest strategies to promote the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer with Māori-specific interventions.

Recommendations to Expedite the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer:

Northern Cancer Network

31 July, 2012

This report presents a brief overview of the findings of the research project ‘Identification of barriers to the early diagnosis of people with lung cancer and description of best practice solutions’.

Varying evolution of the New Zealand lung cancer epidemic by ethnicity and socioeconomic position (1981−1999):

​ Shaw, C., Blakely, T., Sarfati, D., Fawcett, J., & Hill, S.

15 April, 2005

Tobacco use and resultant health effects have been described as an epidemic that progresses through the population. This paper aimed to describe and explain trends in lung cancer mortality by ethnicity and socioeconomic position in New Zealand between 1981–1999. The authors concluded that there are significant and growing ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities in lung cancer mortality in New Zealand. In the current absence of concerted public health action these inequalities will probably widen in future decades.

Respiratory Research Review Issue 144:

Professor Lutz Beckert

9 February, 2018

Research review with a focus on lung cancer