Published: 25 September 2020

Authors: Sarah Candy, Nicola Jepsen, Christin Coomarasamy, Jonathan Curry, Grace Dodson, Joe Pomelile, Mitchel Versey, Julie Reeve

Source: This abstract has been sourced from NZ Respiratory Research Review Issue 186


    AIM: Chronic respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, are a worldwide
    public health problem. Pulmonary rehabilitation is a gold-standard intervention for these diseases, yet
    attendance and completion rates are poor. Counties Manukau Health, in Auckland, New Zealand, has a high
    prevalence of chronic respiratory disease and a culturally diverse population, comprising large numbers of
    Māori and Pacific Island people, who are known to be disproportionately affected by chronic respiratory
    disease. The aim of this study was to investigate patient characteristics affecting engagement with the
    Counties Manukau Health pulmonary rehabilitation programme and identify factors predicting completion
    of the programme.

    METHODS: Investigators performed a retrospective analysis using routinely collected data of 2,756 patients
    invited to attend the pulmonary rehabilitation programme at Counties Manukau Health. Data were
    analysed to compare demographic and clinical outcomes of patients who completed, did not complete or
    did not attend the programme, and identified factors predicting completion.

    RESULTS: Significant differences were found between groups in demographic and clinical characteristics.
    Increasing age, higher six-minute walk test distance at programme commencement and European ethnicity
    were significant predictors of completion of the PR programme.

    CONCLUSIONS: Compared to European people, Māori were 52% less likely and Pacific Island people were
    40% less likely to complete the programme. These findings are significant for the Counties Manukau Health
    population. Further work needs to focus on determining how to make programmes more engaging to
    different cultures and how we can aim to reduce health inequities in these populations.

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